Spring Retreat 2019!

“Designed for a Purpose”

(from Davidson, Bridge Program Manager)


This retreat was the best retreat of all the retreats we have had since 2017 according to the majority! Every year we have two retreats with the students for us to tighten the bonds between students, employees, collaborators, friends elsewhere and the directors of program but it is also a few days of learning and relaxation. 

There were two reasons why this retreat was so great. The first one is the visit to this beautiful green space called Le Montcel Haiti and the second is that everyone agrees, unanimously, that they loved Pastor Phil’s teaching! His joyfulness, energy and the techniques he used for teaching helped us all to understand. In our culture most often a pastor is someone very reserved in every sense of the word, someone strict, someone who isn’t accessible or who doesn’t have an open mind to the discussion of the Bible. Pastor Phil was different.  For some people, this difference may seem a bit trivial or unimportant, as it is the norm in your culture to spend time with your pastor or to have a pastor with whom you can have a thorough discussion about your understanding of the Bible. In our country it is an exception. During these three days of teaching, through his magic of communicating, Pastor Phil paved the way for students to ask relevant and interesting questions and enjoy it. 

What was most interesting of this retreat were the tears of joy and delight that flowed on the cheeks of most of the participants. It is the testimony of some students who have been able to forgive wholeheartedly the people who hurt them in the past, the testimony of the importance of resilience in our lives, but also their new appreciation of certain verses of the Bible. 

I think that the students and staff agreed that this was the best retreat because it was a retreat where every participant came home with the satisfaction of a winner after the Champions League and that's all we want.

Stay tuned for our Fall retreat!

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